7, no 3, ok 5 Steps To Writing Your (My) First Article

Nigel Taklalsingh
3 min readMay 6, 2021


Sitting and writing postcards in Tuileries Garden, Paris,
writing postcards in Tuileries Garden, Paris (2006)

Before getting into the steps I took to write my first article, I should tell you why I decided to write. After all, motivation tends to lead to action.

My areas of interest in writing (and reading) are in personal finance and business.

I’m interested in sharing, transferring, disseminating, transmitting and providing knowledge of concepts in personal finance (aka financial literacy) and principles in business i.e., business acumen.

More specifically, my intention is to translate these concepts and principles into a format, that is engaging and universally understandable to improve an individual’s financial situation (profile) and increase awareness of how business works, considering its importance in society.

So that’s my motivation for wanting to write. Now, what did I do to write my first article?

1. Brainstorm topics to write about. These can be random, unrelated topics with a common writing style. I decided to write out — pen and paper — a series of topics related to personal finance and business.

This would help me to see how they are related. Is there a sequence to publish the topics? Should articles coincide with current events? This ‘map’ also helps to plan ahead and see how I would progress on my writing journey.

2. Find your space. Is Medium the right platform for you to share your writing? What about WordPress or maybe create a website to publish your work? I looked at each of these options. What led me to Medium was the ease of distributing my work and more importantly, I would be part of a community with other writers — yes, I’m already calling myself a writer.

Also, amongst the 60 million active users on Medium (according to sendible.com, March 29, 2019), there must be some percentage that can benefit from learning concepts to improve their personal finance and deepening their understanding of business.

3. Create your zone to feel energized and motivated to write. Maybe you start with pen and paper or on your laptop. Maybe in a room or a park bench. Do you need some music to help set the mood? What about the lighting, something dark or with natural light.

For me it took while to realize all these things mattered. Right now, I’m writing on a desktop, listening to a local jazz radio station, I’ve got a cup of water and my notebook & pen for notes and ideas. This may not be the ‘complete’ zone, but for now it’s working.

4. Procrastinate and deliberate. While these words are not associated with action, they were necessary step in my process. For me doing something that I have not done before is exciting and uncertain. There is the accomplishment of doing something new; the learning process and overcoming the challenge. There are also questions: What if no one reads the article? What if people dislike the article? What if this was a waste of time?

Fear of answers to these questions, led me to paralysis, over-analysis and inaction. Worse, it was causing disappointment and regret. I did the ‘cost-benefit’ — the pros outweigh the cons — I needed the answers (you’ll need the answers).

5. Start and build your confidence (small wins). Start with a topic that you’re knowledgeable of and comfortable sharing. The knowledge and comfort of a particular topic will give you that confidence to write something. It will also help counter any negative reactions and opinions. After-all what do they say about opinions ?

My process was to build a basic outline of key points. Write a first draft (start to finish). Print it out, and read it over the next day. Final review, then publish. Then wait. Wait to see if anyone reads it, comments on it or shares it. I’m waiting…

There you have it. The 5 steps that I took to write my first article. Hopefully this helps you get started with your first article.

1. What steps did you take to write your first article?

2. What are your thoughts on my first article, any feedback?

3. Are there specific topics on personal finance and business acumen in which you are interested?

Let me know what you’re thinking. It would be good to hear from you. I can be reached at nigelstartedwriting@gmail.com

